The Alejos Are Headed to the Philippines!

The Alejo family is thrilled to announce an upcoming journey to the Philippines this November 2024. After over four years away due to the global pandemic and the birth of their son, Benjamin, Dennis and Emily Alejo are returning to continue their mission work with Kingdom Legacy Ministries.

This trip is particularly special, as it marks their first visit to the Philippines as a family of three. They are also excited to be joined by their missions pastor from church for the initial part of their journey. Together, they will explore new ways for their church in Indiana to partner with the vital work being done in the Philippines, expanding the impact and reach of their mission.

The Alejos Are Headed to the Philippines

The goal for this trip is to raise $5,000 to cover travel and project costs. Any additional funds raised will directly support the important projects they will be working on during their time in the Philippines. Here’s a brief overview of what the Alejos will focus on:

🥖 Family Rice Give-Aways

The Alejos will distribute essential food packages to families in need, including rice, sardines, and noodles—enough to sustain them for a week. This initiative is crucial for many families who struggle to meet their daily needs. Alongside this, they will continue their feeding program for children, ensuring that those in need receive the nourishment they require.

✝️ Sharing a Message of Hope through the Gospel

While distributing food, the Alejos will also share the Gospel message. Providing basic necessities often opens hearts and minds to hear about Jesus, offering a unique opportunity to spread His message of hope and love.

đź’§ Baptism

For those who choose to embrace Jesus in their lives, the Alejos will offer the chance for baptism—an important and transformative expression of their faith.

đź“– Discipleship Opportunities

With 15 Bible Study locations and 2 church opportunities throughout their feeding sites, the Alejos aim to connect the families they encounter with these groups. This will provide them with opportunities to grow in their faith and deepen their understanding of the Lord.

đź’» Launching a Digital Certification Class

The Alejos are excited to launch their first digital certification class, sponsored by their business, Instant Web Tools. Seven young adults will learn the basics of web design through an 8-week course. Upon completion, they will receive a certificate that can help them secure job opportunities. The Alejos may also integrate some of the participants’ newly acquired skills into their own business operations.

How You Can Help:

If you feel led to support this mission, you can contribute in the following ways:

  • Mail a Check: Make checks payable to Kingdom Legacy Ministries and send them to 139 Love Rd., New Paris, OH 45374.
  • Donate Online: Visit and select “Mission Special Project” to give directly. 

    Your support will not only make this trip possible but will also extend the Alejos’ reach and impact in the Philippines. The Alejos are deeply grateful for your prayers, encouragement, and generosity as they prepare for this meaningful mission.

    As they embark on this journey, the Alejos are also asking for prayers—particularly as they navigate traveling with an energetic young child. They believe this is an important time for their family to go together and appreciate prayers for Benjamin, their safety, health, and adjustment to the time difference.

    Thank you for standing with the Alejos in faith and mission as they prepare to make a difference in the lives of those in the Philippines.

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